Currently a senior at Penn State University studying integrated arts with an avid interest in video games and video game design. Those desires aside, I like to spend my non-game related time reading, writing, going on walks and just trying to relax.
Post coming later. My Model Viewer is still down, but damn it, I'm putting something up. Hopefully the fact that its three pages instead of one makes up for it. Sorry for the massive image. Enjoy.
Ooh, it's like a cheesy clip show.
Anyway, thanks for making Iraq a little more bearable.
Ooh, it's like a cheesy clip show.
Anyway, thanks for making Iraq a little more bearable.
lol, king of the orphans. Also nerf retadins.
love you :)
/signed hopeless fanboi
How you find up all this stuff. It's sick ;D
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