Wednesday, August 27, 2008

No comic this week

Sorry guys, I have like, no time this week. I'll post a short little one frame thing tomorrow night, but no full comic. Sorry. I'll have up next week when things start to settle down for me.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Check back for a new comic thursday. Something will be up.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Episode 26: Majestic Belly Fat

Ah yes, embarrassing WoW moments. Kinda fun coming with the ideas. Sorry for them being a bit late. Had a late start to my day. That, and i've been really lazy the past few days. Don't judge me!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Episode 25: The Lovable Captain Scraps

And we are back to our normal schedule of hilarity and nonsense. My writer's motivation is back and ready to roll. I actually had a few other scripts written, but I was so motivated I said screw you to those scripts and wrote a new one. I've been wanting to something with hunter pets for a while but simply havent come up with a good story six panels long. I liked the idea of Disgraph having to do real life pet care on his own pets, so I decided to just roll with that. And hilarity ensues.

Let's see, where does the inspiration come from here. Probably part my own dog, a bit from Christmas Vacation, and a bit from this clip of Aquateen Hunger Force. Warning, it is Aquateen, so the link may be offensive to some people. I find the episode hilarious, if not more than a bit disturbing. But I try not to borrow too much from other sources. Even if part of me wants to make a running gag out of Donkers and Cpt. Scraps special relationship.

Well, until next week, I'll be floating along some Black Water. <3 the Doobie Brothers